In order to scare away mice, different tricks can be used. One of these ways is to make use of white vinegar. When these pests infest a house, living in it becomes unhealthy and dangerous. The household is exposed to diseases of all kinds as well as fires and floods. A question that often arises is whether the trick found is really effective. Therefore, one wonders if white vinegar scares away mice. You will find the answer in the rest of this article.

White vinegar: a repellent acting against mice

Truth be told, white vinegar is a very effective product for scaring away mice living in a house. Thanks to the strong emanation it releases, this liquid pushes these pests away. Having a developed sense of smell, these rodents perceive from a distance this smell that inflicts suffering on them. Therefore, we recommend as a preventive measure to use white vinegar for your fight against these parasites.

To do this, you can concoct a spray based on this liquid. It will then be necessary to spread it in the rooms of the house. For faster action, it is better to spray it inside mouse-infested spaces.

Similarly, consideration should be given to using this operation frequently. Since the smell of white vinegar will dissipate after a few hours, one will need to sprinkle the house practically every day. It is also possible to increase the repellent effect of this acid by using it with cat litter.

By depositing it in small quantities on the places of passage of the rodent, it will push it away from your home. It is worth noting that adding a few drops of white vinegar to the litter will have the effect of making the preparation even more powerful.

Natural repellents that scare away mice

Apart from white vinegar, there are other natural solutions that remain just as effective in keeping these unwanted animals away from a home. Among these means we can mention baking soda. Less active than a rat poison, this substance slowly kills the rodent by forming carbon dioxide inside its body.

Indeed, these small animals have acidic materials in their stomachs that create this harmful combination when they ingest baking soda. In order to carry out their extermination, it is therefore possible to resort to this method. However, in this case it is necessary to sprinkle the places infested with these pests with the substance and let them consume it.

On the other hand, essential oils can also be used to remove these pests. Mice do not appreciate the smell of eucalyptus, nor cloves, nor pepper. For this reason, we recommend that our guests pour oil extracted from these plants in order to keep rats and other rodents from your home at bay. This option is to be used as a first resort before contacting a professional for the eradication of these pests. Similarly, there are chemical solutions that you can use. However, precautions must be taken so as not to aggravate the situation or harm the environment.

Other very interesting solutions to scare mice out of the house

Ultrasound can also keep rats, mules and mice away from your home. This is equipment that produces vibrations that are imperceptible by a human’s hearing. On the other hand, the hearing aid of these pests manages to capture these small sounds that are very unpleasant for them to hear. You can therefore obtain ultrasound and use it near places where these animals should not go. When placed in the kitchen or living room, they will keep the rodent away from the refrigerator and TV cables. By doing so, the fire risks that these animals could cause are significantly reduced.

Assuming that despite all these tricks, rodents have managed to establish home in your home, we can however become your best solution. Rodent exterminators, we are available to give you back your quality of life of yesteryear. Experts in the capture of animals, choosing us is to opt for a 100% reliable solution. With the help of our company Exterminateur Rive Nord, the residential extermination of mice or rats will no longer be a concern. We will take care of ridding your home of all the pests that stay there.